Looking Professional

Lesson Summary

Basics of Video Setup

Learning Objectives

  • Achieve proper framing and headroom for online therapy sessions.
  • Maintain eye contact and connection through effective camera positioning.
  • Use simple tools to enhance your video quality without expensive equipment.

Achieving a Professional Setup with What You Have

Better video quality doesn’t require expensive equipment. A well-thought-out setup using your existing laptop or phone can create a professional and polished look. Even the best cameras won’t help if your framing, lighting, and positioning are off.

  1. Framing and Headroom
    • Position yourself in a head-and-shoulders shot so your upper body and hand gestures are visible.
    • Avoid too much empty space above your head—it makes the frame feel disconnected.
    • Pro tip: Use the “fist rule” – place a fist on top of your head. The frame’s top edge should align with your fist or just above it.
  2. Eye Contact & Camera Positioning
    • Good eye contact builds trust in face-to-face therapy. Online, it requires intentional setup.
    • Position your camera at eye level to avoid looking down or up, which can feel intimidating or detached.
    • Pro Tip: Place a small sticker near your camera to remind you where to look.
    • Resize your video app window and place it near your camera to see your client while maintaining eye contact.
    • Elevate your laptop with books or a stand if needed. Use a tripod for external cameras.
  3. Camera Options
    • You can use:
      • Your laptop’s built-in camera (sufficient when positioned well).
      • An external webcam (better quality but ensure it stays in focus).
      • Your phone camera (can connect to your computer for higher quality).
    • Lighting and positioning are more important than expensive equipment.
    • External cameras may auto-focus on the background instead of you—ensure the focus remains on your face.
    • If you upgrade, choose a camera that provides consistent clarity without overcomplicating your setup.

Key Takeaway

  • Simple adjustments can elevate your video quality dramatically:
  • Position your camera correctly.
  • Frame yourself properly.
  • Maintain eye contact strategically.
  • A professional online therapy presence is about attention to detail, not expensive gear.

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