Counselling Skills Mastery for Student Counsellors

Learn by seeing counselling skills used in real sessions by qualified therapists. 

Real sessions – real-life presentations – real skills

Step by step guidance from a counselling tutor gives you the competence and confidence to use counselling techniques effectively!

You have a passion to help others and you want to get it right!

So many counselling students say that learning counselling skills and using them effectively, is challenging.

Students don’t get to see qualified therapists demonstrating how to apply skills in real sessions because of confidentiality. 

This means we are asked to learn something we can never see demonstrated in a real setting. It’s no wonder that many are left feeling unsure.

Lack of confidence, from not knowing exactly what to do or how to apply techniques, can cause self-doubt and change the passion for helping others into uncertainty and anxiety.

I know what it feels like to wonder “am I doing this right” and countless student counsellors have felt the same.

The good news is … I have helped thousands of students be confident with their counselling skills. And the best part is … I can show you what works.


The training is self-directed learning on the Counselling Skills Academy virtual learning platform. This means you can work at your own pace, at a time that suits you, from any device, from anywhere in the world.

After this training, you will fully understand the theory and practice of counselling skills and techniques.

Each counselling technique is defined, described in simple language and then counselling skills are demonstrated in a live real-world session. You get to see how the techniques are applied in action.

Build your confidence as you practice what you learn with your peers within the “Empathy Room” – a private community that is safe, warm, and confidential.

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Everything You Need to Master Skills

This training covers every aspect of effective skills usage. We start by understanding the foundations that underpin and support a deep and trusting helping relationship.

You will then learn the intimate details of each skill and know why you are using it and what it will do in the relationship.

You will learn by watching qualified therapists use skills in real-life sessions.

Finally, you will learn how to evaluate your own skills and enjoy continuing growth in the service of those you help.

CLICK HERE to see the curriculum

Hi, I’m Ken Kelly, and it's nice to meet you.

This training is led by me. I am a counsellor, clinical supervisor, counselling tutor and author of the textbook “Basic Counselling Skills - a student guide.

I have a passion for counselling skills, I recognise that when the door closes and it’s just me and the client, the skills are what form, grow and sustain the relationship.

I have taught thousands of counsellors to explore skills and techniques through my book, weekly podcast and through the training I have been part of. I know where students struggle with skills and I want to share my passion and techniques that lead to confidence and competence.

In this training, you will learn

The one skill that takes seconds to learn but is so powerful you will use it in every session. Hint - Many trained therapists don’t use this skill often as they don’t fully understand when and where to use it.

To recognise that you are the heartbeat of your helping practice and how your own values, and life journey, are the most valuable assets you have.

How to gain unconscious competence where the skills melt away and you enjoy deeper, more meaningful contact in your helping sessions.


Use Counselling Skills Effectively

Once you understand the theory and psychology that make the skills work, you will know exactly what skill to use and why you are using it.

Gain Confidence in Your Ability

Once you understand the theory and psychology that make the skills work, you will know exactly what skill to use and why you are using it.

Enjoy Continued Growth

You will watch counselling skills being used in real-life sessions, by qualified counsellors, and learn how to evaluate your own skills as you grow and develop.

Play Video for Training Overview

Frequently Asked Questions

I am not good with tech and internet stuff

That’s okay I have you covered.

This training is super simple to use on a laptop, desktop, tablet or phone. There are no downloads or apps to install, and it doesn’t matter if you are on a PC or a Mac.

You join up and I send you an email with login details and you set a password. You use your email address and password to log into the training and It just works!

We also have a support desk if you have any questions.

What modality does this training cover?

The skills themselves are non-modality specific but there is some underlying theory that is rooted in the Person-Centred approach developed by Carl Rogers.

The truth is, no matter what your modality, you will need to form, build and interact in a helping relationship, being mindful of boundaries, self-care, ethics and competencies.

This training focuses on that relationship and the skills that sustain it.

What time commitment do I have to make?

The good news is this training fits around your life.

There is no deadline or class to keep up with, this is your journey and you do it in your own time. You can study anytime that suits you by simply logging in.

The training is incremental learning, meaning there is no massive time commitment needed. The modules and topics are broken down into manageable lessons and most lessons can be taken in just 15 minutes. If you have time for a coffee each day then you have enough time to begin sharpening your skill set.

I practice skills in a face-to-face setting, will this training be of use to me?

It will absolutely be a great fit for you!

The skills taught are appropriate for face-to-face working and a dedicated module covers adapting the skills, and ways of working, for remote online and telephone helping.

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